
Showing posts from March, 2020

Moment by moment...

Read the news, Think about you, Meditate, Pray, Zoom, Sleep, Read the news, Think about you, Read other stuff, Zoom, Meditate, Prepare, Think about you, Sleep, play with the dog, Zoom, Read, Yard Work (a form of meditation), Think about you, Sleep, Read the news, Pray, Think about you, Zoom, Work, Connect on Sunday, Think about you... rinse and repeat... What do we fill our days with now? The planet has caused us to reset in a way... We now have this opportunity to seek real balance, without commuting or distraction, we have the time to live the life of our dreams. We could live the life of pastoral existence. On the farm life becomes simpler - sprout seeds - grow plants, learn about what it takes to be self-sufficient. We wanted to use fewer paper towels, fewer of everything really, to shop less, this is our opportunity. Step out of the race and into a place of calm... these moments that we are in right now may be the best ever... find that place of zen/calm/tao. What will w...

How to connect...

Not that I could possibly be the Starwars sage, Yoda or anything but I would like to invite you to online tea or lunch this week! You can call or zoom in to share time together. This will be an open conversation, sharing unstructured time together. If you want to bring insight, some news, or humor you are more than welcome to share. Tuesday 2:30pm - 3:30   Tea and conversation with Rev. Marjorie Wednesday 12:00pm - 2:00   Lunch and conversation with Rev. Marjorie Saturday 5:00 - 7:00pm   Building Your Own Theology (BYOT) I am sure there will be some eating going on there as well :-) **** This is how you connect (the information below will enable you to join any meeting that I host.) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 570 725 0834 One tap mobile +19292056099,,5707250834# US (New York) Call in via Phone Dial        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 570 725 0834 **** If you need techsup...


PRAYER FOR THOSE GATHERED IN WORSHIP Prayer for those Gathered in Worship Prayer for those Gathered in Worship  Prayer  By  Barbara J Pescan In this familiar place, listen: to the sounds of breathing, creaking chairs, shuffling feet, clearing throats, and sighing all around Know that each breath, movement, the glance meant for you or intercepted holds a life within it. These are signs that we choose to be in this company have things to say to each other things not yet said but in each other's presence still trembling behind our hearts' doors these doors closed but unlocked each silent thing waiting on the threshold between unknowing and knowing, between being hidden and being known. Find the silence among these people and listen to it all—breathing, sighs, movement, holding back— hear the tears that have not yet reached their eyes perhaps they are your own hear also the laughter building deep where joy abides de...

Wash your hands...

How are you feeling? no really... How are you feeling? It has been an intense week as we have balanced the excitement of watching politics unfold and the ever-encroaching coronavirus (covid 19) move into Massachusetts. With the State of Emergency being presented to us by the Governor yesterday and my meeting at the Board of Health with all of the Sudbury ministers and Bethany Hadvab the BOH social worker set for tomorrow (Thursday), these are exciting times.  What I want to convey to you all members, friends, and visitors is that we have your safety and welfare squarely front and center. We, the Board of Trustees (BOT) and myself, are engaged in online conversations about what are the best steps for us to take to ensure your safety while helping us to remain and feel connected. Here are some of the ongoing possibilities. Please feel free to comment on any of these ideas or my blog posts in general just please keep it as PG as possible. :-) - Go online wit...

Black Lives Matter... with a caveat...

Tolerance or Acceptance… There has been a question poking me in the back of my brain why are we so afraid of honoring the beautifulness of our diversity? Throughout history our people have been immigrants, even the Native peoples immigrated from somewhere long ago when the ice flowed as far as the eye could see… The people from Mexico and South America traveled freely migrating on this massive continent. The Pilgrims came seeking religious freedom, the Europeans arrived from England, France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain. The Africans were brought in chains against their will to plant and harvest, to build this great nation side-by-side with the Irish and Italians. Immigrants came from Scotland and Holland, from Russia and Poland, Norway and Denmark. Opportunities called out to those from China and Japan from Turkey and India. Those seeking safety were held in the arms of Lady Liberty, all were welcomed, begrudgingly at times as people feared scarcity. We became a melting pot or ma...

All Oppression...

Unitarian Universalist First Principle: We affirm and promote  t he inherent worth and dignity of every person. Societal norms separate us from our self and others as we are forced to use other people's terms and ideals to define ourselves… I remember when I was young how I was teased because I was an only child, because I thought to wear Canadian dimes in my loafers was cooler than pennies, and because I am a two-spirit person (I identify with both feminine and masculine aspects of my identity), not to mention that I am a geek to the core. Why are people who look differently, think differently, act differently singled out and challenge for what we project into the world? Why is there a pecking order and why are some people pushed out while others are invited in? Here is a thought I will let you self identify who you feel called to be and I will self Identify the way that I am called to. I wonder why how I dress and cut my hair bothers so many people… When my ha...