All Oppression...

Unitarian Universalist First Principle: We affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Societal norms separate us from our self and others as we are forced to use other people's terms and ideals to define ourselves… I remember when I was young how I was teased because I was an only child, because I thought to wear Canadian dimes in my loafers was cooler than pennies, and because I am a two-spirit person (I identify with both feminine and masculine aspects of my identity), not to mention that I am a geek to the core. Why are people who look differently, think differently, act differently singled out and challenge for what we project into the world? Why is there a pecking order and why are some people pushed out while others are invited in?
Here is a thought I will let you self identify who you feel called to be and I will self Identify the way that I am called to. I wonder why how I dress and cut my hair bothers so many people… When my hair was short I literally got stared at all of the time in stores and so on. I have to ask are my appearance and behavior threatening? I promise that I am not making a statement with how I look I am just like letting my inner me come to the surface a little bit. I promise to leave space for you to express your inner beauty in turn.
I am a feminist who is a warrior this is who I am and honestly I am unapologetic. In the beginning, I wasn’t trying to make a statement with my short hair, but after all of this commentary about my hair and suggestions about how I might "soften" myself, albeit some times gently and others strongly, makes me have a lot to say about who I choose to be. Clearly, I am now making a statement… Let's love one another for who we share from deep within and be far less concerned about what we look like on the outside.


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