Wash your hands...

How are you feeling? no really... How are you feeling? It has been an intense week as we have balanced the excitement of watching politics unfold and the ever-encroaching coronavirus (covid 19) move into Massachusetts. With the State of Emergency being presented to us by the Governor yesterday and my meeting at the Board of Health with all of the Sudbury ministers and Bethany Hadvab the BOH social worker set for tomorrow (Thursday), these are exciting times. 

What I want to convey to you all members, friends, and visitors is that we have your safety and welfare squarely front and center.

We, the Board of Trustees (BOT) and myself, are engaged in online conversations about what are the best steps for us to take to ensure your safety while helping us to remain and feel connected. Here are some of the ongoing possibilities. Please feel free to comment on any of these ideas or my blog posts in general just please keep it as PG as possible. :-)

- Go online with worship, you will be able to watch live on youtube from our website, as soon as this Sunday.
- Attend an online coffee hour via a tool called Zoom, which you will be able to call into with a landline phone or attend via video chat on your computer or smartphone. More information will be made available in our weekly enews coming to your inbox in the next few days.
- Blog and encourage you to share your own thoughts or your own blog posts.
- Offer Building You Own Theology (BYOT) online in Zoom. All are invited to attend.
- Jenna will also be offering Religious Exploration email lessons for children and possibly also offer Zoom time for them to connect on Sundays as well. Again, we are working through all of the details at this point.
- I will also be offering lunchtime with the minister from 12-2. If you want to connect with me and those who also call in to have a Zoom video (or not) conference consider yourself invited. I will endeavor to do this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday so that we can stay in contact if you wish. I will place this on the FPS calendar with call-in instructions.

There are a lot of moving parts to change how we have gathered for over 380 years. What we do know for sure is that you, our dear friends, are most important to us and thus we want to help keep you safe and healthy while making sure that you still feel connected as the congregation of First Parish of Sudbury. It may feel a bit bumpy at first, as technology has a want to be challenging when you need it the most, so please be patient.

It’s time for us to do what we do best: take care of each other. (borrowed from CDSS)

With the emergence and spread of COVID-19 on our continent, we all need to make adjustments in our actions and expectations. Linked below are current recommendations for you. The most important thing is for everyone to take care of each other, prepare for events being canceled or postponed, and actively monitor WHOCDC, and State Health Department recommendations.

Peace, Love, and Light - Rev. Marjorie


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