How to connect...

Not that I could possibly be the Starwars sage, Yoda or anything but I would like to invite you to online tea or lunch this week! You can call or zoom in to share time together. This will be an open conversation, sharing unstructured time together. If you want to bring insight, some news, or humor you are more than welcome to share.

Tuesday 2:30pm - 3:30   Tea and conversation with Rev. Marjorie

Wednesday 12:00pm - 2:00   Lunch and conversation with Rev. Marjorie

Saturday 5:00 - 7:00pm   Building Your Own Theology (BYOT) I am sure there will be some eating going on there as well


**** This is how you connect (the information below will enable you to join any meeting that I host.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 570 725 0834

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,5707250834# US (New York)

Call in via Phone

Dial        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 570 725 0834

**** If you need is where you request it.****

You can check the FPS google calendar for everything that is currently scheduled at FPS Online and contact the facilitator of any (look in the notes of the scheduled event) event for any information that you might need.

****Try to be mindful of when you schedule meetings and events that you try not to step on something that is going on at the same time.****

Link for the FPS Online Calendar -

If you want to host an online event please contact me and we will sort out the details. Online games anyone?

Stay Safe Dear Ones!

Rev. Marjorie


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