Black Lives Matter... with a caveat...

Tolerance or Acceptance… There has been a question poking me in the back of my brain why are we so afraid of honoring the beautifulness of our diversity? Throughout history our people have been immigrants, even the Native peoples immigrated from somewhere long ago when the ice flowed as far as the eye could see… The people from Mexico and South America traveled freely migrating on this massive continent. The Pilgrims came seeking religious freedom, the Europeans arrived from England, France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain. The Africans were brought in chains against their will to plant and harvest, to build this great nation side-by-side with the Irish and Italians. Immigrants came from Scotland and Holland, from Russia and Poland, Norway and Denmark. Opportunities called out to those from China and Japan from Turkey and India. Those seeking safety were held in the arms of Lady Liberty, all were welcomed, begrudgingly at times as people feared scarcity. We became a melting pot or maybe better yet a great banquet where all the ethnic diversity would be welcome… This vision is still possible… We can atone for the sins of our ancestors, let go of old out of date prejudices and embrace one another and work together to save one another and our planet… At one point we landed upon America’s shores some with bright eyes and hope in their hearts while others were surviving broken in spirit, heart, and mind. We all now seek a better life, to be welcomed and loved for the gifts that we bring… Be not afraid of one another or to be part of a solution that Stands on the Side of Love. This is not hopeful liberal rhetoric it is the truth. Be not blinded by fear, manipulation, lies, hate, and greed nothing good can ever grow in such fodder. Let us meet, get to know one another dreams and work together to rebuild a land of love and inclusivity. 


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