New Year: Reflect, Accept, and Renewal...


Reflect, Accept, and Renew

This last week, during Sunday worship, I shared the idea that it is at the beginning of a New Year that we take the time to think about new beginnings. This process of beginning again requires a time of reflection, acceptance and renewal. I shared the following plan as a way to move forward. I borrowed and changed it a bit for the people of First Parish and I thank Carole Lynn who put a lot of work into this plan posting it on the website PossibilityChange. The link is available here (Carole Lynn,

It takes only seven days to engage in and renew/evolve a life. 

In my Sunday sermon I also spoke about prayer as a way to connect with that something that is larger than one self. One possible way is through the use of prayer. I chose a well known prayer, originally written by Reinhold Niebuhr, known as the "serenity prayer." When life gets me down I turn here:

Spirit of Life and Love, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Lastly, at a discussion that we had over zoom after worship people shared how they choose to pray. Several practices were shared just the words, "thank you" seemed to be the most popular. One member recommended the book: Help Thanks Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott. 

If you feel called to look deeper into worship on Sunday at 10:00 join us via Zoom on any given Sunday morning; you would be welcome! Feel free to check out our website

A Seven Day Plan for Renewal 

Day One: Re-charge – A Day of Commitment:

Focus on changing your mind-set: It begins with acceptance… This is the day to change the thought patterns playing through your mind. Get rid of phrases such as “I can’t.” “Why does this happen to me?” “Things always seem to go wrong.” Instead insert thoughts such as “I can do it.” “There are creative solutions to any problem.” “I got this.”
Add positive affirmations to your life… believe in and be nice to yourself.


Day Two: Re-Vamp – A Day of Planning:                 
Some ideas might be:
·      What changes do I need to make in my home?
·      What changes do I need to make in my office?
·      What changes do I need to make in my exercise routine, OR do I need to begin an
       routine (with doctor’s permission of course)?
·      What changes do I need to make in my diet? (More greens that for sure.)


 Day Three: Re-Cycle – A Day of Throwing Out
This is a tough one… I can always see a potential use for most stuff. Here is some guidance choose an area of your home, your garage, your backyard (wait till the snow melts), and clean it out thoroughly. Have three boxes set up: one for things to keep, one for things to repair, and one for things to give to others. This doesn’t have to be hard it can actually be fun to let go of things. 
Do not try to tackle your whole house on this one-day. This seven-day practice can be repeated, and each time you can choose a new area. For example, you can repeat Day 3 every week for six weeks.


Day Four: Re-Fresh – A Day of Refreshment
Many of us think, when we hear "refreshment" of a day at the spa or an evening of adult beverages and chocolate cake, yes! Well you are partially correct this is a day of reward. If you cleaned out your office or home on day 3, then refresh this space with a new plant or bunch of flowers. Give yourself a present. Let the sun shine literally into your life.


Day Five: Re-Turn – A Day of Spiritual Contemplation
You knew I would ultimately get to this… This is a day to contemplate your values spiritual or not and re-turn to the values that are most important to you, your core values. 
This is a quiet day of soul searching. In the past two days you have re-cycled some of your belongings and you have refreshed an area of your house or office: you did a lot of physical work. You were involved with a lot of “things.” Today, focus on a deeper level. Sit and connect with the higher power of your understanding and ask questions such as:
·      What is the meaning and legacy of my life?
·      What is my mission and what am I here to do in this lifetime?
·      What am I proud of and what advances have I made in my life?
·      Which areas of my life still need work?
Be honest and accept what you come up with. We all have these areas that are in need in our lives small and large. This is the day to take an honest look at the way you spend your time, the people you associate with, the worries that occupy you, the fears that you allow to control you, the anger you may have towards others. The key is to be mindful about how we are ultimately living our life and what practices and ways of being add and/or what ways of being take away…
Day Six: Re-Invent – A Day to Change Patterns
Day five was an assessment day. It can be challenging but this is where the truth will set us free. Think of day six as a time where the pedal meets the metal. It is a day to make plans to change the parts of your life that need changing. Such questions such as:
·      Do I have health problems that I am not facing? Make an appointment with a health
       professional or get back to taking care of myself in the way that I know is best for me.
·      Am I allowing the problems of others to dominate my life? If so, this is a day to make
        plans to change my schedule. If you are a caregiver, find creative ways to get time off.
        And do not say, “There is no way.”
·       Many of us put others before ourselves and sometimes that is okay, however, we
        need to also allow time for ourselves. (Carole Lynn,


Day Seven: Re-Invest – An Investment Day in All That is Positive
The final day of this practice, if your seventh day is Sunday start by coming to worship, is a time set aside for renewal, and to think about how to best spend your day-to-day life. You have spent an entire week taking a look at your physical and spiritual life. Today is the day to take a good look at your time… It begins with one simple question, "do you spend the bulk of your time happy and positive or unhappy and negative?" Seek opportunities and a community to spend time with that is uplifting and caring. A community that exemplifies your life mission and calls you to be your better self through action. Then follow through… Committing to action brings the serotonin, which helps to bring you to a place of happiness.

I hope that your New Year is a good one for you filled with love and light. Be your own inspiration!


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