Are you worrying? Maybe you are worrying about the latest drama in the news on Twitter, Facebook, TicToc, Instagram (insert your favorite social media mind sink here)... The year 2020 has been cray cray (also known as beyond crazy). Personally, my mind, body and spirit have been on high alert since January 2016 and the culmination of all of the cray cray over the last 4 years has fully manifested in 2020. From the reality of lies, lies and more lies to Covid19 and the sick and dying to the endless greed and divisiveness and hateful rhetoric... (insert sigh here) I just have to say, and I am a pacifist, somebody just slap that "boy" and grab the reins... I mean wth-eck. 

On the day-to-day I consider myself to be a fairly sane individual, but the state of this nation over the last four years has driven me to the brink of joining what someone recently called, "Worrywart's Weekly." A place where we can just show up and spew, out loud, all of the STUFF that is making us a little less sane. Introverts can apparently process this STUFF internally and extraverts clearly need an outlet... What should we do with all of the angst that bubbles up inside? Pillow+Screaming might be one strategy when we encounter or physically face the drama of the forthcoming election... (insert a groan here)

Seriously, I could rant non-stop and I am sure that any of us could, but I have vowed to let go of the negativity of the last 4 years and maybe convert it into love and peace if I am able to get there.

One last thing VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE you/we have the power to take back the reins of this nation and right the wrongs that have been perpetuated in the name of HEWHOMUSTNOTBENAMED.

And now a prayer... God/Goddess save us from all of the worrying and the ongoing lunacy of greed and need for power that has addled the brains of those who would lead but clearly are not fit... Thank you in advance for all of your effort... 

signed, Aspiring to be Rev. Chill


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