A Moment of Peace...

As I was preparing for the Board meeting tonight the sky grew dark and the wind began to blow... Thunder and lightning raged like a battle and the rain, branches and leaves flew paste my window horizontally. This is when I thought for a brief moment that we are living in a scene from the Wizard of Oz. Cedar, my faithful companion, and I headed promptly to the basement. We got comfortable for a few moments listening to the raging storm and as fast as it arrived the storm left, for now. In its wake it took a tree down and some electric wires that ultimately took out the power to many of us... because of modern technology, backup batteries, an iPhone hotspot and an iPad I will be able to make the Board meeting tonight, but for this one moment let us all breathe and be thankful for this moment of peace that the passing storm has left in its wake...

My neighbors are safe they came out to investigate when I did... the candles offer the best kind of glow and there is this one moment that reminds me that a sense of safety exists in this one moment and I am thankful. I am also thankful for the electric company that is on there way to save the day.

Let there be peace!



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