Love is the only Magic

Merlin Said - by Patrick Murfin Love is the only magic. It enriches the giver as it nourishes the object. It serves the instant, and washes over the ages. It is as particular as the moon and as universal as the heavens. If it is returned it is multiplied, yet spurned it is not diminished. It is as lusty as the rutting stag but chaste as the unicorn's pillow. It comes alike to the king on his throne and the cutpurse in the market. If you would have magic, place faith in love or nothing. ======================================== If we look at all our woes in this world and we try our mightiest to find the one solution, love might just be it. Is it realistic to set down the violence, injustice, anger, hate and pick up love instead? The words have rang out across the world for millennium and speak to me: Martin Luther King called us out: "Loving Your Enemies." It’s so basic to me because it is a part of my basic phil...