What can we uncover...

What can we uncover in the dark? A dear friend of mine, Misty is a painter, a very creative soul. She has added this new way of painting to her artist's repertoire and she shared this piece with me and in turn, I am sharing it with you. Recently, she/we lost a dear friend to Covid 19. Misty and I and many members of an online community that we are connected to are expressing our grief in various ways. I have turned to picking up my guitar once again and spending some time playing my ukelele whenever I get a free moment. What are the ways that we each create and share the light during dark times? If you feel so called share your creative moments with one another as a way for our individual lights to combine as one to push back the fear and grief that may be creeping around the edges of our lives during this tragic time. Stay safe and know that you are loved. Rev. Marjorie